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Meet the            team

Our TCC-founding team were originally united through our work with the BACP Coaching Division Executive Committee. While advocating for the positive benefits of psychotherapeutically-informed executive coaching, we consistently heard feedback from clients that our approach of combining coaching and therapy was more effective in creating positive, sustainable, behavioural and emotional change than anything they'd experienced before.


  As awareness of the need to address the mental health crisis in the workplace grew, so did our passion to reach beyond those who have traditionally benefitted from formal executive coaching, and overcome the stigma that prevents people seeking support for mental health concerns.


Our mission was born: to deliver the empowering high performance and mental health outcomes  of therapeutic coaching to a wide audience at accessible price points. 

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TCC team at Health and Wellbeing at Work, 2024

Our Senior Associates

The expertise of TCC Senior Associates is threefold: highly experienced dual-practitioners of executive coaching, psychotherapy or counselling, and integrated therapeutic-coaching practice, bolstered by strong corporate backgrounds of senior leadership experience across a range of industries.  Holding 'accredited' membership status with the main industry bodies (EMCC/ICF/AC/BACP/UKCP) means our clients can be assured that the highest standards of professional and ethical practice have been reached in both coaching and psychotherapy.

More than this though, our associates are selected for their personal alignment to TCC’s mission and values, commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (with the team representing diversity in gender, neurodivergence, race, sexuality and socioeconomic status), and for overall being warm, dynamic, collaborative, kind, and energising people to work with.  If we say so ourselves.

Our Consultants and Supervisors

At TCC, supporting high quality ethical and professional integrated practice is what brought us all together originally, and at the heart of the way we work now.  


For dual-practitioners of both coaching and psychotherapy, we know that finding a Supervisor who is experienced enough in both areas to help them walk the important and occasionally complex and nuanced line that may emerge in client work, can be challenging. So, as part of our mission to support the growing cohort of therapeutic coaches we're delighted to recommend the following Supervisors.  We know from our own experience they have the skills to support the development of clinical practice and continued professional development, as well as being inspiring, generous, energising people, and strong advocates for the therapeutic coaching work we love to do.



We're also honoured to call on our team of specialist experts in a Consultant capacity to support our work, depending on the specific challenges and goals of each organisation.  Find out more about their areas of specialism below.

TCC certifications and accreditations include

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All TCC Senior Associates, Supervisors, and Consultants are fully insured as individuals and as TCC practitioners.  As part of our commitment to 'gold standard' practice, we require all Associates to engage in regular Supervision and CPD training, abide by the Ethical Frameworks of our professional bodies, and be registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in alignment withe GDPR regulations.

Join Us

We're currently looking for a select number of specialist dual-trained practitioners to join our team.  So if you're a qualified Executive Coach and Psychotherapist or Counsellor, and like the sound of who we are as a team, our TCC values, our therapeutic coaching approach, and the unique range of services we offer our clients, check out the link below.

Work with us

If you'd like to explore how our range of services can help you or your teams remain in and thrive at work, get in touch for a free iniitial consultation.  We look forward to hearing from you.

London, Cardiff, Manchester, Edinburgh

+44 (0)7920 2611120

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